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Wednesday, 18 August 2004
Long time No blog
I guess it has been a while since the last entry. I am not forgetting to do entries it's more like I don't have the time. Work has been up and down. I like the old bombardier line of "hours and hours of boredom followed be moments of sheer panic." That pretty much describes work. Time passes and not much happens then bang everything has to be done now. As I am at the beck and call of my bosses, I don't get to plan anything. On the other hand I don't have all of the pains and headaches. Work comes I do it and I wait for the next job. Kind of nice.

Today I was reminded that school is starting. I live in town and a lot of the local kids walk to school. Thus, today I passed a lot of students off to the school. I'll bet there are a lot of happy parents out there. My mom is now a teacher. She teaches at a private school. She has a class of third graders. No, she has never done this before so we talked a little. She has the same problem I had when I started with writing on the board in a straight line. Of course, I was dealing with college students, she is trying to teach cursive. It is a little more important for her to write straight. Did you know that some of the letters have change over the years. I am look forward to seeing what the new style of writing looks like. Of course, you won't see this as I can not post it. Yes, I could scan it in and put it on here but I don't have a scanner and that is to much work.

Anyway, my good news is that my sister Camey is expecting. Around the 2nd of March I will be an uncle. This is the first little one in the family. I know with three of us married there should be one by now. I guess for the next few months I will be drag to the baby department as my wife looks at baby stuff.

The clock says that it is lunch time, so, I will go for now. Talk to you later.

Posted by clparis at 11:13 AM CDT
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Friday, 30 July 2004
It's Friday
Well, it is finally Friday. This has been one long week. But the weekend it here. I don't have anything planned, of course, but you never know what can happen. Anyway, have a good weekend and I will talk to you next week.

Posted by clparis at 3:53 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 28 July 2004
Hi All
So, its Wed. Why do we have a day of the week that is so hard to spell? I mean the other days are easy. You would think that the first day of the work week would be the hard one after all it is usally a bad day anyway. Who know maybe someday we will create different names for the days of the week, be my luck and they will be twenty letters long.

Its been a good day so far got a couple of projects done which is always good. The higher uppers are meeting tomorrow. This is good in that they are finishing up projects not starting new ones. That means the rest of the week will be fairly easy. Next week will be another thing.

Let's see, not much else is going on. My book I am writing is going slow. To be truthful I am working on the second of a seriers. The first book is unfinished but I can't remember where I am at with it so I decided to start the second book and then see about finishing the first. How can I do that? It's easy I know how the first book ends and the second starts and ends. Which leads us to the problem with writing, getting the beginning and the end together. The first book is a "detective" story and I have the opening and I know how it will end the problem is in getting all the details right and in order so the reader has a chance at solving the mystory. That's not as easy as it sounds. Of course, these storys are really "day dreams" that I have been working on for years, which may not be the best way to write a book.

The second book is about a journey and a trial (not Law and Order trial). It takes one of the main characters from the first book and puts him on his own. It has more action and requires less thought then the first book which makes it easier to write. And no I am not going to "publish" it in the blog. If I ever finish the books I will attempt to get them into print but I wouldn't hold your breath.

Well, I guess thats enough for today. Check back tomorrow and the topic will be . . . Your guess is as good as mine.

Posted by clparis at 2:34 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 27 July 2004
Good Day
How is everyone in the wonderful world of the internet? Good, Good. I am fine it was a good day today, got several projects done and now I wait for the workday to end. What do I do you ask. Well, I guess you would call me a business analysis. I take raw data (that I sometimes enter) and try to make sense of it. Who do I work for? I think I will keep that to myself for now. Before this I taught at a collage as a computer programming instructor. Not the best job in the world (students are not very greatful) but it work. What is the best thing about this job? Leaving the work at work when I leave. When 5 o'clock hits I am out the door with no papers or programs to grade, no lesson plans to write, etc. Sure there have been a few things that I took home from here (deadlines you know) but compared to teaching it's a no brainer. Would I go back? Not unless someone offered me a lot of money. I might work at a company teaching adults but not collage kids. The stress isn't worth it. Speaking of work time to clean up and go. Talk to you later.

Posted by clparis at 4:42 PM CDT
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Monday, 26 July 2004
Still Going
Mood:  happy
Happy Monday all,
I know Mondays are not a good day but so far this one hasn't been bad. The weekend was wet but that was okay. As a nerd I don't go out much. Read an article this weekend about "The Kingdom of Callaway". According to the article Callaway county Missouri was a Kingdom. It happened during the Civil War when the citizens of the Callaway county (those not fighting it the war) decided they didn't want to be part of the Union or the Confederacy. When the Union showed up the militia leader, one Colonel Jefferson Jones, took the remaining males (older men and young boys) and prepared for battle. Using painted logs and starting lots of camp fires they convinced the Union officers that the force against them was larger then they. Thus, a treaty was signed and the county seceded from the Union, without claiming allegiance to the Confederate States. Thus, for a while it was the Kingdom of Callaway with Kingdom City at the capital. Today, Callaway is part of the Union (although no treaties to that effect where signed) and Kingdom City is mainly a truck stop exchange on I-70. Isn't history interesting. My wife ran across this in a travel book. My parents live in Kingdom City and that is why this was of interest. Of course, I find the odd facts of history more interesting then the dates, but that is me. Anyway, I guess this is enough for now. Talk to you later.

Posted by clparis at 9:19 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 26 July 2004 9:21 AM CDT
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Thursday, 22 July 2004
First Entry
Mood:  happy
Okay, I thought I would try this blog thing. I'm not really what you would call a "Big Internet" person. I have a web page that is years old ( and at this time have no idea what to do with it. But, I'm a nerd and as such I like to try out new tech, which being free is important. I read about weblogs and the evolution of blogs which sparked my interest, but it was the run of comics at that made me want to check this out. Thus, here I am. I don't know what I will post (sorry if that's the wrong term) but I plan to do something for a while. Then we will see what happens.
Talk to you later.

PS - I can't spell and don't plan to spell check these so just deal with it.

Posted by clparis at 1:10 PM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 22 July 2004 1:12 PM CDT
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